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Transform yourself!

Navigate career transitions, earn promotions, and plan your long-term career with Steve Mann. Develop the leadership skills and executive presence needed for career growth

Career Development.

Take ownership of your career path, plan your long-term goals, and position yourself for advancement.

Team meeting


Move from and to roles in a way that meet your needs first, your employer's second.


Planning your career means deciding what makes you happiest in your work, your compensation, and your future.


Whether you want to be a manager, leader or individual contributor, we will develop your advancement approach and execute it for success.

Be more confident and fulfilled working with Steve Mann, career coach.
Waving in Headphones


  • Personal 1:1 conversations to build your career

  • Gain clarity and execute a plan on your next career move

  • Tap into your strengths and flourish at work and home

Steen A.

Product Strategist

Steve helped me to hone my leadership, communication and people management skills.  He helped me to take them to the next level, which resulted in my being promoted nearly a year earlier than I was targeting. Thank you, Steve!!! 

I'm a leader.

“Have customers review you and share what they had to say. Click to edit and add their testimonial.”

Angela Z.

Chief Operating Officer


I traveled a lot for work. And it was stressful. I didn't sleep enough. I ate poorly and tended to put a lot of stress on my family. Working with Steve helped me prioritize where I should focus my efforts. I learned to balance my health and well-being with my career passions and in so doing, became a better leader, partner and parent.

I have balance in my life.

Chris K.

Director, Customer Promotions

I’ve tried working with other career coaches but most of them only know about business from what they read in books. Steve has walked in my shoes. He’s been a software engineer, salesperson, marketing leader and senior executive.  He knows before I do what I need to reach my career goals because he’s lived what I am going thru.

He's walked in my shoes. | Career coaching | Executive Coaching |Interview Prep

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