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Elevate Yourself.
career coaching | leadership coaching | executive coaching | interview prep

Career & leadership coaching

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Advance in your career by putting Imposter Syndrome to bed.

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Enhance your communication & be a better leader.

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Gain new skills and address internal doubts.

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Be comfortable telling truth to power.


Career planning and transitions.

Just Imagine...

  1. You consistently wake up excited to go to work.

  2. As a woman, you are confident in your abilities and former roadblocks are behind you.

  3. You regularly have the "aha" moment - "this is what I was meant to do"

  4. You are recognized and rewarded as a high-performer.

  5. You accelerate in responsibilities and importance.

  6. You enjoy a work-life balance that is actually balanced.

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This is what coaching can do for you... promise.

How do you handle a toxic boss?

You know the type. Their idea of leadership is to blame you and your team when things don't go as planned. They are a bully. One of my client's (Samantha) was dealing with a bully.

What was Samantha feeling?

  1. Toxicity triggered her Imposter Syndrome.

  2.  She moved into a defensive "I have to prove myself" mode which undermined her authority and position. 

  3. She saw herself  as helpless and ineffective.

  4. Even when she calmly and diplomatically tried to deal with his management style, it became a heroic act of massive confrontation.

  5. Totally confused as to the motivation behind the big boss' behaviors.


Samantha and I worked together to solve these issues.

  1. Relaxation: We practiced active relaxation and stress-management strategies she could use in the moment.

  2. Reframing: We used executive re-framing exercises to reverse her Imposter Syndrome feelings and generate new-found confidence and a clear articulation of her value rather than defend herself.

  3. Strength not Weakness: We challenged the notion that she was helpless and reminded her her of the strength and capability that won her the role in the first place?

  4. Conflict management:We practiced 3 critical conversation and conflict management communication scripts.

  5. Root causes: We got down to the root of bully leadership and, using empathy, strategized around addressing her boss' anxiety rather than just labeling her as a bitch.

So what's next?

Have you faced something like this? \What did you do to free yourself?


Maybe you're that leader,  but you don't know how to break the pattern or are ashamed to get the help you need.


Perhaps you are responsible to find the  right training and coaches to help your executives become leaders that people like, respect, and stick with.


If you're looking to deal with toxcity in your work environment,  or become a confident, powerful, effective, and happier leader (the kind of leader you want to be led by), we should talk.

Empower Your Personal  Growth
With Our Coaching Services

Building competence, confidence and change is the focus of my services.  Whether its for a touch up or a complete transformation, I will help you move to the place you want to be. 

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Rising C-suite 



help senior leaders rise to today's challenges and adverse business conditions. We draw on the richest portfolio of assessment tools and powerful transformation tools to affect change.



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Career Coaching



Our 1:1 relationship and engagement coaching style, typically phased over 3-6 months, builds the capabilities your employees at every level require to strive and thrive in today's challenging business environments.


I keep my promises.

Alexa Young, CA

business man head shot
Sessions with Steve are acceleration oriented. He is right there on the journey with me and sees the way to success even when I can’t see a thing. Yet somehow when I see that path, its like it I discovered it on my own. How does he do that?
Murid A. Head of Business Systems Transformation

Morgan James, NY

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Before working with Steve, I was paralyzed by indecision; torn between pursuing multiple interests, focus on a promotion, or do nothing. Instead of pushing me towards a particular path, Steve helped me uncover the 'thinking errors' holding me back. We worked on reframing negative thoughts, improving communication and eliminating toxic thinking. I developed the clarity to choose my best path. 

Josh B. 
Director Business Consulting
blonde business woman
Steve helped me to hone my presentation, communication and research skills.  He helped me to take them to the next level, which resulted in my law firm achieving dramatically more impactful results from a year ago. Thank you Steve.

Robin S. Matrimonial Attorney

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The ratio of growth per minute is amazing.

Katie B. F10 Tech Company

Wondering if Coaching is the right next step? 

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